Details Site Class


Site Class Back

  • Last Update: 2024-01-08 18:15:24
  • Soil Class Type: GEOLOGY 
  • Soil Class Value: B 
  • Soil Class Preferred: No 
  • Soil Class Note: from di Capua et al. 2016 
  • Bibliography:
    Title Id_type Id Url
    Di Capua G., Peppoloni S., Amanti M., Cipolloni C., Conte G., Site classification map of Italy based on surface geology, Geological Society, London, Engineering Geology Special Publications, (2016) ISRC https:...

Seismic Code

  • id: 2370
  • Seismic Code Type: EC8
  • Note:  
  • Bibliography:
    Title Id_type Id Url
    CEN, Eurocode 8: Design of structures for earthquake resistance—Part 1: General rules, seismic actions and rules for buildings, European Standard EN 1998-1:2004. European Committee for Standardisation, Brussels , ( 2004) https:/...