Details Cross Section
Cross Section
- Last Update: 2023-06-15 16:46:28
- Id: 41
- Cartography: Foglio NORCIA - Carta Geologica d’Italia 1:50,000
- Latitude 1: 42.79685
- Longitude 1: 13.29379
- Latitude 2: 42.79409
- Longitude 2: 13.30871
- Spatial Reference System: GCS_WGS_1984
- Site Name:AQT1
Title | Id_type | Id | Url | |
S. Imposa and F. Panzera and S. Grassi and G. Lombardo and S. Catalano and G. Romagnoli and G. Tortorici, Geophysical and geologic surveys of the areas struck by the August 26th 2016 Central Italy earthquake: The study case of Pretare and Piedilama, Journal of Applied Geophysics, (2017) | DOI | | https:/... |