Details Subsoil Model
Subsoil Model
- Last Update: 2023-01-26 10:22:50
- Id: 36
- Latitude [°]: 41.199899
- Longitude [°]: 15.132629
- Elevation [m]: 623
- Range of interest: 350
- Site name: BIOG
- Site Distance [m]: 40
- Note: Inverted shear-wave velocity (Vs) profiles using surface-wave analysis from two 2D arrays of seismic stations in passive configuration.
- Survey date: 19/09/2019 00:00:00
Title | Id_type | Id | Url | |
Stefania Pucillo and Rocco Cogliano and Gaetano Riccio and Antonio Fodarella and Gianpaolo Cecere and Antonino Memmolo and Fabrizio Cara, Velocity profile report at the seismic station IV.BIOG – Camporeale-Ariano Irpino (AV), | DOI | | http://... |
Type | Preferred | Graphic Depth Model |
SA | Y |