Details Site Class
Site Class
- Last Update: 2023-05-29 08:20:27
- Site Class Type: GEOLOGY
- Site Class Value: B
- Site Class Preferred: Yes
- Site Class Note: Obtained by dataset (ASCII file GR ID)
- Bibliography:
Title Id_type Id Url Mori F., Mendicelli A., Moscatelli M., Romagnoli G., Peronace E., Naso G., A new Vs30 map for Italy based on the seismic microzonation dataset, Engineering Geology, (2020) DOI https:/...
Seismic Code
- id: 2208
- Seismic Code Type: EC8
- Note:
- Bibliography:
Title Id_type Id Url CEN, Eurocode 8: Design of structures for earthquake resistance—Part 1: General rules, seismic actions and rules for buildings, European Standard EN 1998-1:2004. European Committee for Standardisation, Brussels , ( 2004) https:/...