Details Lithological Classification


Lithological Classification Back

  • Last Update: 2023-01-22 14:49:42
  • id: 1718
  • Preferred: Yes
  • Cartography code: Foglio Carta Litologica d’Italia 1:100,000 - Foglio AVEZZANO
  • Coding Type: ISPRA 2010
  • Litological Unit Code: A3  
  • Volumetric Joint Count:  
  • Consolidation degree: consolidated
  • Lithologic Class: Marly limestone
  • Lithologic Description: calcari marnosi, marne calcaree, alternanze calcari-marne, calcari-argille, dolomie-marne, dolomie-argille
Lithological Subdivision
Item Count Proportion Role Material
1 Part of Major impureCarbonateSedimentaryRock
2 Part of Subordinate calcareousCarbonateSedimentaryRock
3 Part of Subordinate mudstone