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Geological Review Back

  • Last Update: 2023-01-22 15:01:46
  • id: 1319
  • Preferred: Yes
  • Monography: Download
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Title Id_type Id Url
Monti G. M., Martarelli L., Gafà R. M., Olivetta L., Caratterizzazione geolitologica dei siti su cui ricadono le stazioni della Rete Sismica Nazionale dell’INGV, INGV- ISPRA 2016-17 Agreement (protocol INGV 2016/0003777 of 04/04/2016): "Scientific and technical collaboration aimed at the geolithological characterization of the sites of the stations of the national INGV seismic network "(Scientific Coordinators: P. Bordoni and G.M. Monti) (2016)
Conceptual Model Value
Range of interest (m) 50.0 50.0 50.0
Layer Number 1 2 3
Lithology Limestone with rare flint level. Present discontinuous levels of marl Calcarenites with levels of maely and limestone marl Limestones with levels of conglomerates
Lithological class Limestone Marly limestone Limestone
Minimum Thickness (m) 100.0 200.0 10.0
Maximum Thickness (m)
Real Thickness (m)
Rock Mass Structure Bedding lamination Bedding lamination Bedding lamination
Fractured yes yes None
Strata orientations, Strike (°)
Strata orientations, Dip (°)
Strata orientations, Slip (°)
Age of deposit Min Eocene Paleocene Triassic
Age of deposit Max Eocene Paleocene Triassic
Consistency Lithoid Lithoid Lithoid
Environmental Setting Other environment Pelagic platform Pelagic platform
Compactness Degree None None None