Istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia
ESM, the Engineering Strong-Motion Database, provides a set of facilities to search, select, download and analyse ground-motion data and associated metadata. The waveforms contained in ESM are relative to events with magnitude ≥ 4.0, mainly recorded in the European-Mediterranean regions and the Middle-East. ESM is targeted to applied seismologists, earthquake engineers, professional engineers, geologists and policy makers.
June 2023: The ESM website has been update and the geometry fault schema has been changed: is available the possibility to have a multi-segment fault geometry.

With the contribution of


Permission to use, copy or reproduce parts of the Database is granted provided that ESM is properly referenced as: Luzi L., Lanzano G., Felicetta C., D’Amico M. C., Russo E., Sgobba S., Pacor, F., & ORFEUS Working Group 5 (2020). Engineering Strong Motion Database (ESM) (Version 2.0). Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV).

Database Licence

The Engineering Strong-Motion Database by ORFEUS is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at the section Disclaimer of Warranties.

Creative Commons License

Data Licence

Each waveform/spectrum is associated to an individual license, as indicated by the data provider.
Developed by teamQuality S.r.l. for INGV